
Aha experience, looking for mistakes, riddle

4-2-Alice also became larger

Alice’s Story
Alice has arrived in a small room. There is a fan and small gloves on table by the window.She tried to leave the room for a set hand the fan and gloves.But at that time, a small bottle standing near the mirror stayed in her eyes. It did not have a label that says that “drinking”. But she began to drink to take the lid of the cork.

“Absolutely funny thing ishappen! I want to bigger me. ”

Certainly Alice became larger. Moreover, much sooner than she thought. Since the head is pressed against the ceiling, she could only bend down.

Quiz:Solve Alice mystery

It is in the “Candle”, but it is not in the “Light bulb”.
It is in the “Pineapple”, but it is not in the “Banana”.
It is in the “Pencil”, but it is not in the “Glue”.

Those in the center.
That there is a “Core”.
IF the answer is known, let's share!


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