
Aha experience, looking for mistakes, riddle

2-1-Alice chasing the shadow of rabbit

Alice’s Story
rabbitAlice said, “I wonder fell How many miles.”
I wonder if the will fall to penetrate the Earth!

Alice because it was never to be the other, and had a dream of friends dozing.

Suddenly, she was hit in the top of the mountain of dead leaves. And she did not go anymore fell.

Because Alice was not injured, she got up jump immediately. There is a long passage in front of the eyes, white rabbit went running in a hurry its passage.Alice ran like the wind, where it turned the corner she heard Rabbit say, “has become so slow!”. When Alice is bent the corner, she was quite caught up.But the rabbit is missing anywhere. There is a long low ceiling corridor, had become bright hanging lamp from the roof.

Quiz:Looking thing of Alice

Alice chasing the rabbit. Let’s chase to find the five shadow!
I look for the shadow of the rabbit

There is a shadow in various locations!
Shadow is not necessarily black. There are also smaller.
IF the answer is known, let's share!


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