
Aha experience, looking for mistakes, riddle

3-2-Alice pass the candy of pocket

Alice’s Story
“But, Who me pass the prize?” Voice that was heard.

“Well it would have decided in this child.”
And Dodo was pointed at Alice. Then they will cry and swarming around the Alice.
“It give me a prize! Prize!”

Alice will in trouble is not idea what to do.She put a hand to her pocket, came out a box of candy.Luckily salt water did not contain.And she has to pass it as the prize. Candy had just one at a time in everyone.

Quiz:Solve Alice mystery

Is the calculation quiz. What are the numbers entering the “?” ?
Alice of calculation quiz

Enter the same number in the same candy!
The answer is “13”.
IF the answer is known, let's share!


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